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Posts in Personal
You Are Enough | Personal

I’ve noticed a ‘trend’ lately. A lot of the women I follow...creatives, influencers, bloggers...mompreneurs of all sorts...are taking breaks from social media. They’re taking breaks because they’re exhausted. They’ve found that the lifestyle they inadvertently started portraying on social media is unrealistic to maintain. There’s this subconscious need today to make everything look perfect and trendy in order to stay ‘relevant’. Let me break it down in a couple of points...

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Mini James Dean and Me | Personal

Two weeks ago he told me that if I eat too much I'll have a baby in my belly. I asked him who told him that and he said 'no one...I just know that if you eat a lot and a lot of food goes in your belly it will get big and that means there's a baby in there'. I just said ok and let it go. He was quiet for a minute and said 'actually...maybe that's not how babies are made...I wonder how they really are made? Mama...' I quickly shut that down! Three years old is too young to ask that! I wasn't readyyy!! (in my Kevin Hart voice) 

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Mom, can I just take one pishure?: A Little Dude's World Through the Lens | 1st Installment

Last week I had my camera out to take some before pictures of a few projects (more to come on that in future posts!) and of course, little dude needed to take some pictures as well. So that got me thinking...why not start really teaching him?! And of course...blog and document it along the way!!

So this is the first installment! Noah took these of me and the girl. The sun had already set so we did this impromptu shoot in the house. In the future we'll go on walks and to the park and to the beach. I'm going to post all of his pictures...even the ones that are out of focus. I can't wait to see the world from his perspective!

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95 Years Young | Personal

Back in November my parents, siblings and I made a trip up to Maryland to celebrate my great grandmother's 95th birthday. This woman is truly amazing! She has 8 children, 20 ish grandchildren, 80 ish great-grandchildren, and 50 ish great-great-granchildren. Our family reunions are like small town gatherings! It had been a long time since we had all gotten together. Everyone that could make the trip was there and it was wonderful to be surrounded by so many generations! I took pictures of my Nanny with her 8 children and then with each of her child's families. Enjoy!!

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